

It just that i have to write a long line and then declare a function in the header and implement it in the cpp file only to make a simple delay.
In javascript for example you can do something like that:


But when i tried to use lambda within the timer function it says it couldn’t convert what he needs to lambda.
Is it really have to be such a mess only to make a simple delay ?




FTimerDelegate TimerCallback;
	// callback;

FTimerHandle Handle;
GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(Handle, TimerCallback, 5.0f, false);


Inrate 에 대한 설명  == /** Time between set and fire, or repeat frequency if looping. */




Is this what you’re looking for?





If you want an inline callback, you can do the following:

GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(Handle, FTimerDelegate::CreateLambda([] { /* callback; */ }), 5.0f, false);




ref : https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/can-i-use-lambda-with-timers/30620


Can i use lambda with timers?

It just that i have to write a long line and then declare a function in the header and implement it in the cpp file only to make a simple delay. In javascript for example you can do something like that: setTimeout(function() { ... },300); But when i tried




33님 댓글 

GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(FTimerhandle,[this]{ bla bla bal },InRate,Loop);


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