
I am tired of clicking through the hierarchy trying to find where X script is so I can look at it's public variables when testing things out. Especially from scene to scene when placement might be different. How do you stay organized? Find in scene wasn't that useful. Guess I might have to look into editing the inspector. I hope it's easy enough to do. Maybe an asset could help?




Answer by Neamtzu · 

As somebody already stated, you can right click on a script in the project tab, click on "Find References in Scene". Depending on the size of the project, this may take a bit and Unity may seem unresponsive until the search is completed. An alternative to this is to search the type you need in Hierarchy search tab with by typing t:TheTypeYou'reLookingFor. The results, if any, appear instantly and you can search for Unity classes too (t:camera - will return all camera scripts in the scene).

An useful tool for hierarchy management is QHierarchy.


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