
Making games is more accessible than it ever has been. There's now a myriad of game engines to choose from, most of them for free, and an equally important accessibility of storefronts in the PC space. Between Steam, Epic Games Store and Itch.io, among others, the barriers to publishing a game have been hugely reduced.

And not only are games simpler to make and publish, but the range of creations you can easily make is wider than ever. For a long time, aspiring developers would perfect their craft with 2D platformers and Flash games, but now the improved accessibility of tools means they can be much more ambitious, much earlier. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a good example of that evolution, initially created by Brendan Greene because he found the multiplayer games he was playing too repetitive.

But there's one aspect of making games that has still a long way to go in terms of its accessibility: building backend services, managing multiplayer features, maintaining servers, creating matchmaking services, hosting and analysing players data, and everything that goes into running a live, multiplayer game.

As noted by Linode's Will Blew in a recent GamesIndustry.biz Academy guide to building your back-end in the cloud: "Making the right choices around how you run and support your game over time can be daunting, but there are lots of options available to help."




One of those options is PlayFab, a back-end live ops tech company acquired by Microsoft exactly three years ago. Now operating as Azure PlayFab (Azure being Microsoft's cloud platform), it's keen to conquer more of the industry.

"PlayFab has grown almost ten times since [the acquisition], in terms of both the number of monthly active players, [and] the number of games on the platform," says James Gwertzman, PlayFab co-founder and now Microsoft's general manager for cloud gaming. "All of Microsoft's first party studio games are now on Playfab. We get to host Minecraft, Halo, Gears of War and the new Flight Simulator, and I literally get a visceral thrill every time I see a game using one of our services.

"How do we ultimately deliver that platform that Phil [Spencer, head of Xbox] sold me on, to help the world's game developers be more successful with their games? I'm now responsible not just for PlayFab, but also for Azure, and frankly any [Microsoft] service in the game development space. My job is basically to figure out what game developers need, work across all of Microsoft to deliver it, whether it's working with Playfab, Xbox, Azure, Dynamics, Teams, and stitch together end-to-end solutions from across Microsoft to the games industry."

Gwertzman is keen to advocate for both Microsoft's cloud and its dev tools, reintroducing its basics to the GamesIndustry.biz Academy, and show how it's bloomed since the acquisition.

The challenges facing Azure PlayFab

Despite running some of the biggest titles in the world, Azure is still somehow less known in the gaming space than Amazon Web Services for instance, which is a challenge Gwertzman will have to tackle as he works on growing the cloud.

"I joke all the time that Azure is the world's best cloud for gaming you've never thought of. I think Azure has a reputation as being a cloud that is really focused on the enterprise. If you're an insurance company, or a big bank, or maybe an agriculture company, then I'm sure Azure is a great cloud, but if you're a game developer, you might think Azure's not the cloud for you.



"And to be honest with you, that's probably going to be the single biggest headwind that we're going to be working on now that I'm in this new role, because I think Microsoft's cloud kind of does have that reputation. And it has a lot to do with where we came from."

He points out that clouds like Amazon's initially targeted startups and entrepreneurs -- early tech adopters that typically include game developers -- and is now trying to figure out how to tackle enterprises and big companies. Microsoft came from the other direction.






ref : https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-02-01-azure-playfab-the-worlds-biggest-dev-tools-youve-never-thought-of



'서버(Server) > Playfab' 카테고리의 다른 글

플레이펩(playfab?) 이란 (Azure)  (0) 2022.05.16

플레이펩은 마이크로소프트 Azure 의 플레이펩인 빽엔드 플랫폼이고 프로토버전에서 사용이 유용할수있고 상용버전들에서도 사용되는 빽엔드 플랫폼이다


빽엔드 플랫폼인데 Javascript 로 어느정도 커스터마이징이 가능한 빽엔드 플랫폼이지만

전체다 컨트롤이 가능하지 않고 커스터마이징의 제한은 플레이어 종속되어 있는 형태이다

(이부분이 살짝 아쉬움, 전체다 컨트롤 하면 좋을것 같음 : 가능하게 해주세요!)

하지만 볼륨이 큰작업이라.. 이게 진행될진 모르겠지만 이것이 된다면 타 빽엔드 플랫폼과는 확실히 다른 차별성을 갖을 수 있을 거라 봅니다


그냥사용하기에는 좀 아쉬움이 남지만 그 외의 부분들은 대체적으로 훌룡함




유저가 가입되고 로그인되는 처리를 할수 있고


사용자를 눌러 사용자당 다음과 같은 정보들을 볼수 있습니다



즉 왠만한 빽엔드에서 구현하는건 상당수 되어 있다




좌측에 보면 랭킹, 상점 등에 대한 구현도 고려해볼수 있습니다




자동화 => 수정버전(레거시) 버전이 스크립트로 편집 가능한 부분들..




위는 테스트를 아주 짧게 해본 코드




포톤과도 인테그레이션이 가능하다는 것을 알수 있다

기본적으로 함수가 하나의 API 형식이 되는 꼴이다 사용성은 편하다



테스트해본결과 기본 유저당 데이터들도 클라와 서버간의 전송도 가능하다

클라와 서버와의 직접적인 데이터 전송은 위험하기에 이런 스크립트를 제공하는 듯 하다

방향성은 괜찮다고 보여짐





그외에 제공되는 기능들은 대략적으로 다음들이다



  1. Multiplayer Services를 통해 더 빠르게 빌드하고 좀 더 비용 효율적인 게임 시작
  2. Analytics로 게임 최적화
  3. LiveOps를 통해 게임을 서비스로 실행하고 플레이어가 더 많은 것을 위해 게임을 지속하도록 유도

Multiplayer Servers

대기 시간이 짧고 신뢰성이 높은 실시간 멀티 플레이어 게임 플레이를 제공하도록 전용 Multiplayer Servers를 동적으로 스케일링합니다.

파티 네트워킹 및 채팅

Azure Cognitive Services에서 지원하는 PlayFab 파티의 원활한 플레이어 간 소통을 통해 플레이어가 관계를 형성하고 커뮤니티를 구축하도록 도와줍니다.

매치 메이킹 및 그룹

플레이어가 새로운 친구와 경쟁자를 찾도록 돕고, 더 흥미롭고 더 나은 보상이 따르는 플레이를 위해 모든 수준의 플레이어에게 더 빠르고 우수한 매치를 제공합니다.

순위표 및 통계

토너먼트, 순위표, 상품을 통해 플레이어의 성공을 추적, 비교, 보상합니다.

네트워크 간 ID 및 데이터

사용 플랫폼에서 플레이어 요구를 충족하고 계정을 연결하여 Xbox, PSN, Nintendo 등에서 로밍하도록 허용합니다.





ref : https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/services/playfab/#overview



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