I started to get this error after switching on (for test purposes) the new setting "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in the recent Windows 10 Spring 2018 update.

The message would then appear for every file that has non-ascii characters (German Umlauts mostly in my case) and had not been stored as UTF8 before.

Short-time fix: Revert the setting to not use UTF-8 as the "Current language for non-unicode programs", but use a language with the special characters that are used in the source files.

Long-time fix: Convert all your soure files to UTF-8.




ref : stackoverflow.com/questions/4305923/file-load-some-bytes-have-been-replaced-with-the-unicode-substitution-character


File Load Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file

I was debugging in the .Net framework source code suddenly when I stepped into a file of theirs, visual studio 2010 raised this error: File Load: Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode





ERROR: Unable to create child process

1) delete .vs folder





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