언리얼4 블루프린트에서 short 그리고 uint64 같은 바이트를 지원하지 않는데 

short 이야 int 로 친다 하더래도, 8바이트 짜리는?? -> 이건 Fstring 으로 변환해 사용한다

Unreal Engine 4 - Converting uint64_t to FString


In our current Game Jam we wanted BIG numbers for our score, so to make sure that the code can handle BIG numbers I wanted to implement the score as a unsigned long long int.

Unreal Engine 4 doesn’t support uint64_t to be converted into FString by default so I had to find a solution.

The solution was a combination of C++ string-stream strings and of course FString.

Below is the conversion code:

FString AGameHUD::GetScore()
  std::ostringstream ss;
  std::string s;
  s = (ss << Score).str();
  FString f(s.c_str());
  return f;


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